This page will update the minutes of the
CKAACA's monthly meetings.
It may occasionally add other files as well.
Board Meeting Minutes, 11 December 2023: The CKAACA met at the History Center, 108 North Second St, at 2:55 pm, with four members present. 1. The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and accepted as read. There was no change in the bank balance. 2. The address on the bank statement needs to be changed back to the treasurer’s home address. 3. President Bill Stocker announced that his hip surgery should be healed fully within three months, which will allow him to continue mowing the cemeteries. 4. There was some discussion on the disposal of leaves at the Shelby City cemetery. 5. Overall cemetery report: A. Hilldale is in good condition. The city Cemetery Committee will probably meet with city officials to see if grant money might be available to build shelters, as the contractors’ bids are far more than what the Committee expected. B. Meadow Lane has some limbs down, but the piles that were there are now gone. Bill will talk with city manager, Earl Coffee, about us going in to work there, as there may be liability issues now that the city owns the cemetery. C. Wilsonville has no new news regarding the Kentucky Annual Conference. D Shelby City has some limbs down, and we need help which was proposed by Centre College. 6, We are still waiting for the $500 grant we were to receive from Centre. 7. It was moved and seconded (Sanborn/Denis) to have Bill meet with the Gooch surveyors to expedite the question of Shelby City’s boundaries. We may have a delegation go with Bill. 8. The meeting was adjourned at about 4:15, with the next meeting set for 8 January at 3:00 pm. Respectfully submitted, Michael J Denis
The CKAACA did not formally meet due to President Bill Stocker’s surgery. However, he did present a report at the November DBCAAHS meeting: 1. We accept with the deepest regrets the resignation of Charles Grey from the CKAACA. 2. On 26 Oct, Bill mowed Wilsonville then string-trimmed military headstones there and at Shelby City African American Cemetery in preparation for Veteran’s Day on 11 November. 3. Barry Sanborn, Mike Lamb, and Mike Denis placed flags at Shelby City and Meadow Lane; Mike Denis and Barry Sanborn placed flags at Wilsonville and at Meigs in Junction City. 3. Bill reported that he had major surgery on 30 Oct, and he has been told that a total recovery will take several months, so he is not sure he will be able to mow cemeteries that have a rough terrain. We may have to get a commitment from Centre students to help. 4. Bill is still trying to help Laverne Marshall and Rick Westerfield in the purchase of the Wilsonville church and cemetery properties. He has finally contacted the vice chair for the Kentucky Annual Conference Trustee Committee. This committee oversees properties that belong to the African American Episcopal Church in Kentucky. The chairperson said that the committee will meet and discuss our interest in the purchase of the property and will follow up with Bill once they have met. 5. Bill did not make any on-site inspections of our cemeteries because he is not allowed to drive for a while. Mike Denis, however, did report on the condition of all the cemeteries as of Veteran’s Day. Shelby and Wilsonville look good; Meadow Lane isn’t quite up to our standards, but at least it IS being maintained by the City of Danville. 6. The next meeting will be 11 December at 3:00 pm. Respectfully submitted, Michael J Denis
The CKAACA met at the History Center, 108 North Second Street, Monday, 2 October, with six members present. 1. President Bill Stocker called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm. 2. The Secretary's report was read and accepted; the Treasurer's report was unavailable as the monthly statement was not yet available, and electronic access is still problematic. 3. It was suggested that we change our address for the bank statement from PO Box 597 back to Cindy's home address. 4. Cemetery report: A. Shelby City -- We discussed the boundary lines for fencing. Even with several different surveys, it may be possible to fence the north line. Limbs were hauled off to the Convenience Center. No Centre students helped on 30 September. The bee nest that Nathan Whitlock and Barry Sanborn encountered has been eliminated. B. Meadow Lane -- No News. C. Wilsonville -- Bill has contacted the AME headquarters in Lexington but has received no response. He has mowed for a 12th time, but now with the dryness, mowing may not be necessary for awhile. D. Hilldale -- NEW bids for shelters came in at about $380,000 EACH. The City Council rejected all bids, so we do not know what is next. E. Withers -- Drs. Lacy and Bostick are obtaining a bid to clean out this historic white cemetery. We can be available to supervise and advocate for this cemetery, even though it is not our purview. Mike will contact members of the Boyle County Genealogical and Historical Society to see if they would be interested in collaborating with us on this. 5. Cindy Peck reported on the "Centre Engage" website, which would allow us to solicit volunteers and donations, and announce our workdays and other projects. Nathan Whitlock, who serves as Community Engagement for Centre, will work with us on this. 6. Cindy has also developed an information sheet on the CKAACA, the file which she will send to Mike Denis for reformatting as a tri-fold brochure as well. 7. The next meeting was NOT set due to the anticipated absences of several members if we were to meet on the usual date. 8. The meeting adjourned at about 4:30. Respectfully submitted, Michael J Denis, Secretary, CKAACA Inc
Board Meeting Minutes, 4 September 2023: The CKAACA met at the History Center, 108 North Second Street, Monday, 4 September, with seven members present for part or all of the meeting. 1. President Bill Stocker called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. 2. The Secretary’s report was read and accepted; treasurer Cindy Peck reported the same balance as last month’s report. She shared with Mike the bank routing number and account number. It was moved (Peck/Grey) that we should have TWO signatures on checks over $100, so Cindy and Mike will meet at the bank to accomplish this. 3. It was also suggested that we change our address to PO Box 597, the same as the DBCAAHS’s address, if Betty White doesn’t mind. 4. Cindy reported on the Centre College EXPO, introducing students to community organizations. She signed up a large number of students who expressed an interest in working at our cemeteries. We discussed the need to have an orientation meeting in either Shelby or Wilsonville. 5. Cemetery report: A. Shelby City – Bill and Cindy mowed and string-trimmed. Many limbs are down and we need help getting them out (see Item 4). Major discussion ensued on how to dispose of leaves. B. Wilsonville – Bill is now in touch with the AME offices in Lexington, to see if we can “nudge” the sale of the church, school, and cemetery. He also discovered that the church purchased the school lot in 1968, and thus the AME office owns both properties now. The Boyle County school offices will provide documentation showing that the school was, in fact, sold. The proposed purchaser of the church and school property has given us permission to erect a sign leading to the Cemetery. C. Hilldale – A second visit by a contractor may result in a significantly lower bid for the shelter. 6. The next meeting was set for 3:00 pm on Monday, 2 October – NOTE the time change, so we will be out of the meeting before darkness falls. 7. The meeting adjourned at about 8:10. Respectfully submitted, Michael J Denis, Secretary, CKAACA Inc
Board Meeting Minutes, 10 August 2023: The CKAACA met at the History Center, 108 North Second Street, Monday, 10 August, with four members present. 1. President Bill Stocker called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. 2. The Secretary’s report was read and accepted; treasurer Cindy Peck reported the same balance as last month’s report. She will get Mike the bank routing number and account number so we can set up online donations. 3. EXPO is a chance for local businesses and organizations to introduce themselves to Centre students. It will be held at Centre College on Thursday, August 31st from 6:00-8:00 p.m. This event will be outdoors on Walnut St. between College St. and Maple Ave. It was decided that we will be participating. 4. Contacts at Centre include Nathan Whitlock, Civic and Community Engagement (502-744-0525) and Jessie Weasner (859-238-8752) 5. Cemetery report: A. Meadow Lane – A reader on Facebook voiced complaints about Meadow Lane. When Bill went to check it out, he found a shipping container and other items near the entrance to the cemetery, and that the vegetation, though long, was not “overgrown.” Many limbs and branches are down, but the city IS taking care of it. The deed has still not been recorded as far as we know. B. Wilsonville – Mowed again; there needs to be a sign directing people to the cemetery. C. Hilldale – Looks good. The ONLY bid on the shelter was rejected as being about NINE times what the city originally estimated for a cost. D. Shelby City – More limbs are down, and we need help getting those out. It was moved and seconded (Denis/Hunn) to have bill contact a lawyer to see what can be done about three divergent surveys of the cemetery. E. Withers Cemetery – this historic “white” cemetery is one of the oldest in Boyle County. Bill reported that the new owner, Dr. Bostick, will pay to have it restored, and has asked us if we will supervise the work. Dr. Lacy, a nearby owner, will have a fence put around it. At least 4 burials here precede the Civil War, with one dating back to 1797. It can be found on Find A Grave at 6. The next meeting was NOT SET. 7. The meeting adjourned at about 8:30. Respectfully submitted, Michael J Denis, Secretary, CKAACA Inc
Board Meeting Minutes, 3 July 2023: The CKAACA met at the History Center, 108 North Second Street, Monday, 3 July, with five members present. 1. President Bill Stocker called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. 2. The Secretary’s report was read and accepted; treasurer Cindy Peck reported a deposit of $90 for flags and a donation, leaving a balance of $1304.53. Cindy will get Mike the bank routing number and account number so we can set up online donations. 3. At a meeting late last month, DBCAAHS president Michael Hughes suggested that the DBCAAHS might donate to the CKAACA, in lieu of selling the gold-colored t-shirts to benefit the CKAACA. We all agreed that trying to keep straight which group would get money from which sales would be cumbersome. 4. Mike Denis will work on obtaining the sales tax exemption number from the state, which will allow us to make tax-free purchases. 5. Cemetery report: A. Hilldale – artificial flowers were blown everywhere in last week’s windstorm. There is no progress yet on the shelter. A Centre College student has offered to help at Hilldale, but we are not working there. B. Hustonville – Mike Denis has done work on the Anderson family, many of whom are buried there, and there is still interest in restoring this cemetery in Lincoln County. C. Wilsonville – looking good, Bill Stocker reported a sixth mowing. D. Shelby City – again, looking good, with a sixth mowing. There was major discussion of the west and north side fence situation, and the property line as recorded in the Estes survey. It was moved and seconded (Hunn/Peck) to fence in the north and west sides if we receive a gift from the DBCAAHS. Will the abutter on the west still pay for half of the west line? E. Meadow Lane -- Bill showed the part of the city commission meeting where city attorney Dexter asked for a resolution authorizing officers to sign paperwork on behalf of the group. It was moved and seconded (Peck/Hunn) to do so. Also, the article in the Advocate-Messenger reported incorrectly that the DBCAAHS has been maintaining the cemetery. Mike will contact the paper and ask for a correction, as it has been the CKAACA doing the work. 6. The next meeting was TENTATIVELY set for 10 Aug 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the History Center. 7. The meeting adjourned at about 8:30. Respectfully submitted, Michael J Denis, Secretary, CKAACA Inc
Board Meeting Minutes, 5 Jun 2023: The CKAACA met at the History Center, 108 North Second Street, Monday, 5 June, with five members present. 1. President Bill Stocker called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. 2. The Secretary’s report was read and accepted; there was no treasurer’s report as Cindy Peck was absent. 3. Mike Denis asked about money donated for veterans’ flags last month; since we did not need to buy more flags, should the donations be returned? James Hunn and Charles Grey generously said to keep their donations to buy flags in the future. 4. We are waiting on signage at Hilldale until the Main Street construction is done, and city engineer Josh Morgan can breathe again! 5. The Danville Cemetery Committee toured Hilldale and found it in very good condition. One concern is that private family “shrines” need to be scaled back as they are a problem for mowing and string trimming. 6. The gold-colored DCAAHS Membership T-shirts were originally planned as a fundraiser for the CKAACA. Bill recommended adding $2 to what we have charged for them, as we have been selling them at cost. 7. Cemetery report: A. Wilsonville, 4th mowing, string trimmed, flags out for Memorial Day. B. Hilldale, mowing, and trimming done by the city of Danville. C. Shelby City, mowed, trimmed, and flagged. D. Meadow Lane, large tree down, took several others with it, but the city has taken care of most of it. The city attorney has yet to come up with a deed, transferring the cemetery from the CKAACA to the City of Danville – it has been almost TWO YEARS now. 8. Mike Denis reported on movement in Lincoln County to restore the Hustonville African American Cemetery. 9. Mike Lamb discussed his historic preservation project concerned with the 10th Anniversary of the DBCAAHS; he will present that again to the DBCAAHS on their meeting on 6 June. 10. The next meeting was TENTATIVELY set for 3 July 2023 at 7:00 p.m. 11. The meeting adjourned at about 8:00. Respectfully submitted,, Michael J Denis, Secretary, CKAACA Inc
Board Meeting Minutes, 1 May 2023: The CKAACA met at the History Center, 108 North Second Street, Monday, 1 May 2023, with members Mike Denis, Charles Grey, James Hunn, Cindy Peck and Bill Stocker attending. 1. President Bill Stocker called the meeting to order at 12:52 pm. 2. Last month’s secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and approved. 3. Extensive discussion took place about the boundary for the Shelby City cemetery, with one main question – what must we do to obtain a quit-claim deed on the Cemetery. 4. Cindy and Charles reported on the Chamber of Commerce banquet, during which they accepted the “Historically Bold” Award on behalf of the CKAACA. 5. Bill reported on the cemeteries: A. Wilsonville, 2nd mowing this week. Rick Westerfield has heard nothing from his lawyer regarding the purchase of property there. B. Shelby City, 2nd mowing this week; Bill and Cindy took six pickup loads of limbs to the Alum Springs Convenience Center. C. Hilldale, row signs have been proposed; the Danville Cemetery Committee will tour Hilldale next week. 6. Memorial Day: A. Bill will mow and string trim Wilsonville the Thursday before Memorial Day. B. Bill will put out flags at Shelby City and Wilsonville; Mike will put them at the other cemeteries. C. James, Charles, and Cindy all donated money for the purchase of flags, which will be put out, and taken up after Memorial Day to save them. Mike will purchase them and will be reimbursed. 7. Due to the fact that it stays lighter in the evenings now, it was moved and seconded to change meeting times to 7:00 pm. This also makes parking issues more manageable as daytime parking is an issue. 8. The next meeting was set for Monday, 4 Jun at 7:00 pm. The time change reflects the fact that it is now lighter in the evening. 9. The meeting adjourned at about 2:15. Respectfully submitted,, Michael J Denis, Secretary, CKAACA Inc
Board Meeting Minutes, 23 Mar 2023: A called meeting assembled at the History Center, 108 North Second Street, Thursday, 23 March 2023, with members Mike Denis, Charles Grey, Cindy Peck and Bill Stocker attending. 1. President Bill Stocker called the meeting to order at 1:02 pm. 2. Last month’s secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and approved. 3. Bill spoke with Laverne Davie who is planning a family reunion in July; she will ask for donations for Wilsonville. 4. Bill reported that the Danville Cemetery Committee discussed having a “scattering garden” at both Bellevue and Hilldale cemeteries, where families can scatter cremains of loved ones. 5. We discussed street signs leading to both Meadow Lane and Hilldale cemeteries. Meadow Lane will have one at Lebanon Road, another at the junction of Kilby Lane and Cowan St, and a third at the entrance to the cemetery. The Hilldale sign at Duncan Hill Road and South Second Street will be replaced. 6. At Hilldale, it was decided to recommend row signs 12” by 18”, in green and white, saying the Section, the Row, and pointing to the previous and next rows, 7. Hilldale records as we have them need to have the heading rows for each column repeated on each page (DONE). 8. There are property line issues at Shelby City on the west side. There is a discrepancy between a 1986 survey and a recent one which puts the trailer park’s east line about 10 feet inside what we thought was the cemetery, effectively putting several graves in the trailer park. We will work with the owner of the park to rectify the issue. 9. Bonner students from five colleges including Centre will be at Shelby City on 1 April from 1pm to 4pm. Cindy has informed students on what to wear and bring, and will have everyone sign waivers of liability. Groups of students will be raking and bagging leaves, lopping branches, probing graves, cleaning stones, weeding around stones, and classifying artifacts. 10. The next regular meeting was set for Monday, 3 April at 1:00 pm. 11. The meeting adjourned at about 3:10. Respectfully submitted, Michael J Denis Secretary, CKAACA Inc Board Meeting Minutes, 10 Mar 2023: The CKAACA met at the History Center, 108 North Second Street, Monday, 10 March 2023, with members James Hunn, Mike Denis, Charles Grey, Cindy Peck and Bill Stocker attending. This meeting was a postponed meeting originally scheduled for 6 March. 1. President James Hunn called the meeting to order at 1:07 pm. 2. James announced that he had resigned as president, which resignation was regretfully accepted. 3. Last month’s secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and approved. 4. Cindy noted that the Bonner program has submitted a grant of up to $500 to help us with fencing at Shelby City. 5. Students from Centre will be working at the Shelby City African American Cemetery on 1 April from 1:00 pm until 4:00 pm. Due to liability issues, it was decided NOT to have them working at Wilsonville. 6. Bill pointed out some boundary marker issues at Shelby City. 7. Cemetery Reports: SHELBY CITY: Someone is still driving through the cemetery. However, it may well be Bill’s tire tracks that Cindy noted. There are some limbs down, and there is a tree leaning that needs to be removed. WILSONVILLE: One small dead tree is down. Caution is needed with having Centre students here because we do not “own” the cemetery, and our permissions to work there are limited to mowing. HILLDALE: It was determined to recommend row signs every ten rows, using the Section and Row indicators. 8. Due to the resignation of President James Hunn, Vice President Bill Stocker was nominated (Grey/Peck) and duly elected as president. 9. The next meeting was set for Monday, 3 April at 1:00 pm. 10. The meeting adjourned at about 3:00. Respectfully submitted, Michael J Denis Secretary, CKAACA Inc
1. Vice-President Bill Stocker called the meeting to order at 1:15 pm. 2. Last month’s secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and approved. 3. As we are all getting older, we discussed what types of work we CAN do at the cemeteries, such as probing for gravestones and cleanup of leaves and limbs. We have signed waivers from three Centre College students, but all of us need to be reminded to be careful of swales that are covered by leaves. 4. We discussed the ownership of the land to the north of Shelby City Cemetery, which is extremely fragmented with literally dozens of different owners. Consequently, we probably don’t have to worry about trailers or houses being installed or built to the north. 5. In addition, we have an offer from the property owner to help pay for a fence which would benefit both the trailer park and the Cemetery. Estimated cost for 467 feet of fencing at $5 per linear foot is $2335, so half of that (the CKAACA’s cost) would be $1167.50, which is more than we have in our treasury at the present time. (See Item 7 below) 6. Cemetery Reports: HILLDALE: We came up with a design for the row/section signs which will be recommended to the city cemetery committee. It was moved and seconded (Denis/Peck) to go with signs every ten rows throughout the cemetery. SHELBY CITY: Some limbs are down. We need to find out where the mulch pile is at KSD. WILSONVILLE: Few limbs down. MEADOW LANE: The city is taking care of it. Possibly we can get students to do some probing for headstones on April 1 from 1 to 3 PM. 7. Mike Denis was directed to investigate adding a “DONATE” button to our Rootsweb and Facebook pages. 8. The next meeting was set for Monday, 6 March at 1:00 pm. 9. The meeting adjourned at about 2:30. Respectfully submitted, Michael J Denis, Secretary, CKAACA Inc
1. Vice-President Bill Stocker called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M. 2. Last month’s secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and approved. 3. Mike needs to check on the merged Aliceton and Taylor cemeteries – Find A Grave apparently merged Taylor with Aliceton, rather than the other way around. 4. Bill showed the latest design of the shelters to be built at both Hilldale and Bellevue. 5. Bill reported on the status of our cemeteries: Wilsonville: Looks good, almost no tree branches down. Meadow Lane: Some limbs down but not many. Bill reminded us that the city will be filling in the swales. We need to mark the heads of those swales before that work is done. Shelby City: Cindy brought in the plat and paperwork for ownership purposes. According to the Stanford city lawyer, we have “claim” on the cemetery. Through traffic continues, there are small limbs down, and the grant we applied for did not go through, so Mike will continue looking for more grants. A “LIDAR” reading done by CRAI of Lexington a number of years ago showed north of the cemetery, many “rectangular packets” which COULD indicate graves between the cemetery and the old railroad tracks. Cindy will try to track down that LIDAR report. Hilldale: The city will accept our list of burials – we were advised not to call them “records.” We can’t put copies in the kiosk at the cemetery until row markers are set out – which is still in process. 6. Discussion ensued on possible help we may be able to get from Centre students on both MLK Day, and on 1 April, Centre’s day of community service. We can certainly use the help in the cemeteries, and it was suggested that Centre volunteers could, in fact, probe at Meadow Lane, looking for more gravestones and/or fieldstone markers. 7. The next meeting was set for Monday, 6 February at 1:00 pm. 8. The meeting adjourned at about 2:10. Respectfully submitted, Michael J Denis, Secretary, CKAACA Inc